Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Business/Education Partnership Update

The 4th Annual Business Education Summit was held in August with over 250 teachers/administrators and community members participating in a 1/2 day event where the School District of Beloit's Strategic Plan was outlined and discussed. The 3rd Annual Connections Initiative was held for over 400 Freshman students in May and included Beloit Turner this year. The Lunch & Learn program continues with over 20 mentors volunteering one day a week with Freshman students at BMHS. The Mock Interview program became part of the curriculum at BMHS, all Juniors will have to go through the preparation session and a mock interview with a volunteer from the community. Eleven ACT tests were funded for students unable to afford the cost of the test, in collaboration with the Stateline Community Foundation. A pilot program is being initiated where BMHS Alum will be connected by Skype to students at the High School and Junior High Schools to learn about skill sets needed in the work world. A new initiative to match to match local business leaders with teachers in the School District began in the fall with over 8 matches in place currecntly where the teacher will visit the business and the business people will visit the teacher in their classroom. The 1st Reality Store was held at BMHS where students were given real life scenarios and had to manage their household budget. A partnering initiative with community-based organizations began to help students perform better and improve the graduation rate.

If you would like to get involved in any ofthese initiatives, please contact us.